Wednesday, March 01, 2006

sugar daddies

these are so good! i mean, come on, it's a big caramel on a stick, what's not to love?


amanda said...

you made me like them.

Cassi said...

hey kayla, cool blog! do you want me to design you one old fashioned with tea and crumpets theme? I could make it seem like a tea room, or the like, with lace n stuff? I'd have it done by sunday, and i could set it up for you then. I just have a new hobby :)

Kayla DeWaard said...

i suppose that would be fine. :)

Cassi said...

you suppose? come on, how do you really feel? if you really do want one, what exactly do you want for colors,type of font,color of font, do you want a background pic, or just a banner?

Cassi said...

oh, and i can get rid of the nav bar too if you want.

Kayla DeWaard said... background pic, it makes the posts too hard to see. font type: Georgia, color: pink, purple, or aqua(?).

Cassi said...

ok, i will do that then....

Mike said...

Would I be able to do a blog based on Hondas with the system you use?

Cassi said...

I got different systems to use, you'll havta look over them, but gereraly I've used the more simple ones, and yes, if you find good honda pics, they could be modded into a created blog design.

Cassi said...

the one you have now could be modded, that way the sidebar is still the same, but i could change that too need be

Mike said...


~*!*~Abby~*!*~ said...

can you do that for me too not the car thing but w/ like puppies + cats??:) PLEEEEAASSE

Cassi said...

um, sure...

Cassi said...

Kayla, your blog is now done. view under my profile.